Election Judges

Election Judges are everyday people who are your friends, neighbors, co-workers and family that serve our community by helping to ensure that elections are honest, efficient and transparent.


Apply to be an Election Judge

Become an Election Judge by applying online today!


  • Registered Voter in Missouri
  • Not related to anyone on the ballot
  • Person of good repute and character
  • Can read and write the English language

Available Election Judge Positions

Become an Election Judge by applying online today!

Supervisory Election Judge

Supervisory Election Judges manage the polling location through Election Day, process voter check-ins and provide resolutions to issues that arise at the polling locations on Election Day. Supervisory Election Judge must declare party preference, Democratic or Republican, and also bring back the required supplies to the Elections Center in the same car as the other Supervisory Election Judge in a bi-partisan team.

Regular Election Judge

Regular Election Judges work in bipartisan teams at polling locations throughout Greene County by processing voters through electronic check-in equipment, and initialing and issuing ballots to voters.

ExpressVote Operators

ExpressVote Operators are designated individuals or Election Judges with the additional responsibility of delivering, setting up, and operating the ExpressVote (Ballot Marking Device) at the assigned polling location. ExpressVote Operators are required to return the assigned ExpressVote on Election Night.

Youth Election Participant

Youth Election Participants are students (ages 16 or 17) who are enrolled in a Government/Civics or Liberty and Law class selected by their educators to help participate in Election.

The goal is to encourage local student awareness in the electoral process while contributing valuable help to the election judges during Election Day.

Questions about applying?
Contact us.

Still have questions? We're here to help! Give us a call or send us an email.